Thursday, 26 March 2020

brain tease | Brainy riddles | Funny Riddles | General Science Quiz | Olympiads | puzzles | Rhymes | Riddle | What Am I | RIDDLES??????? | watsup riddles



1. What is a horse's favorite place?

2. Where does a boat go when it's sick?

3. What did the apple say to the orange?

4. Why do giraffes have long necks?

5. What do you call a torn piece of paper?

6. Why did the soccer coach go to the bank?

7. What asks no questions but must be answered?

8. Where do squirrels go to school before kindergarden?

9. What did the mommy car and daddy car call their baby-boy car?

Answers :

1. Neighnital

2.To the doc.
3."We make a good pear."
4. Because their feet are smelly.
6.To get his quarterback
7. The doorbell.
8. Tree school
9. Carson.

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